Strategy Services

Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business, so why wouldn’t you have a stratgey in place for how you plan to promote it?

Every idea has potential.

With 16 years of marketing experience for a number of industries, companies often seek strategic guidance from that aligns with their business goals and maximizes the impact of their authentic “story” and marketing efforts.

Here are some strategic services a company may need help with: determine the appropriate budget allocation for various marketing campaigns, market research, content calendar planning, media relations, etc.

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Marketing Strategy is integrated actions

"Marketing strategy is a series of integrated actions leading to a sustainable competitive advantage"

-John Sculley

"If you don't have a strategy, you're just blindly throwing darts in the dark – and hoping they stick somewhere."

– Jay Abraham

What do you need?

Content Plan & Calendar

Having a plan not only keeps you consistent it helps align your company vision, sales, seasons and such.

Mktg Budget Creation

It is important to know your ad spend and potential costs for new opportunities

Media Relations

Press releases, influencer pitches and getting covered in local media can be very beneficial.

Fractional CMO

When you need someone to handle it all but can’t hire a fulltime salaried team member… a fractional CMO is a great alternative.

Let’s Chat

Stop snooping on this site and let’s set a time to chat, whether in person or via zoom.